Nx Commands

The Nx CLI provides many commands. They are organized here into commands that:

There is also a section for separate commands that can create a new Nx workspace for you.

Parsing Nx Commands

If the command that you pass to Nx is not one of the keywords listed below, it will try to interpret the command as if it were a task. So Nx will parse your command in the following ways and execute the first syntax that is valid.

  1. nx [built-in-command] [...arguments]
  2. nx [task-name-for-root-project] [...arguments]
  3. nx [task-name] [project-name] [...arguments]

Modify Code

These commands modify your codebase in some way.


Adds Nx to any type of workspace. It installs nx, creates an nx.json configuration file and optionally sets up remote caching.

nx init


Install a plugin and initialize it.

nx add my-plugin


Runs a generator that creates and/or modifies files based on a generator from a plugin.

nx generate @nx/react:component libs/my-lib/src/lib/my-component


Creates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file.

nx migrate latest

nx migrate --run-migrations


Import code and git history from another repository into this repository.

nx import https://github.com/myorg/inventory-app.git apps/inventory

nx import ../inventory-app apps/inventory


Repair any configuration that is no longer supported by Nx.

Specifically, this will run every migration within the nx package against the current repository. Doing so should fix any configuration details left behind if the repository was previously updated to a new Nx version without using nx migrate.

If your repository has only ever updated to newer versions of Nx with nx migrate, running nx repair should do nothing.

nx repair


Run all sync generators

nx sync

nx sync:check


Overwrite un-formatted files or check for un-formatted files

nx format

nx format:check

Run Tasks

These commands run tasks on your code.


Run a target for a project

nx run my-app:build

nx build my-app


Run target for multiple listed projects

nx run-many --target=build


Run target for affected projects

nx affected --target=build


Executes any command as if it was a target on the project

1{ 2 "scripts": { 3 "build": "nx exec -- node ./my-custom-build.js" 4 } 5} 6


Watch for changes within projects, and execute commands

nx watch --projects=assets -- nx build assets


Orchestrate versioning and publishing of applications and libraries

nx release version

nx release changelog

nx release publish


Clears cached Nx artifacts and metadata about the workspace and shuts down the Nx Daemon.

nx reset

Display Information


Show information about the workspace (e.g., list of projects)

nx show projects

nx show project my-app


Graph dependencies within workspace

nx graph


Lists installed plugins, capabilities of installed plugins and other available plugins.

nx list

nx list my-plugin


Reports useful version numbers to copy into the Nx issue template

nx report


Prints information about the Nx Daemon process or starts a daemon process

nx daemon

Integrate with Nx Cloud


Connect an Nx workspace to Nx Cloud

nx connect


Login to Nx Cloud. This command is an alias for nx-cloud login.

nx login


Logout from Nx Cloud. This command is an alias for nx-cloud logout.

nx logout

Create Commands


Create a new Nx workspace

npx create-nx-workspace


Create a new Nx workspace with a preset designed for writing an Nx plugin

npx create-nx-plugin